Seismic Blasting next to Southern Right Whale calving grounds
Geo-technical company CGG have plans to seismic blast an area of roughly 3000 square kms, 30km off the coast of Port Fairy and Warrnambool. CGG's seismic blasting will happen when Southern Right Whales, of which fewer than 300 exist, are calving in their nursery.​
If approved, CGG's seismic blasting will have serious impacts on local marine life such as Southern Right Whales, Southern Rock Lobsters, vulnerable Little Penguin breeding colonies, Krill (a foundation species), Australian Fur Seals, Humpback Whales, Blue Fin Tuna, and many different fish species, as well as ecological communities associated with the biologically important Bonney Upwelling. CGG have indicated the negative impacts their activity will have on the local marine environment in their Environmental Plan.
In addition to the immediate negative impacts on our natural environment, the International Energy Agency has said there can be no new oil and gas fields approved if we are to limit global heating to 1.5 degrees. CGG's plans for seismic blasting is the first step in new gas extraction and production, and one of many projects currently proposed in the Otway Basin.